Earn Passive Income with iHODL up to 120% p.a. for Stablecoins

Invest & Hodl
2 min readMar 3, 2021

In this article, we will evaluate Invest & Hodl and other staking model comparisons.

There are many coins and Investment companies in the global markets that offer their investors an annual earning rate based on your investment.

Invest & Hodl has huge differences from these companies and coins. The most important of these is that our APR earnings offer much more staking earnings than others.

When we consider other investment companies and coins, as you can see in the table, the annual stake gain rates are very low compared to Invest & Hodl.

This is because other coins and investment companies are thinking to give a small percent of their earnings to their investors. They are aiming to provide their investors with more earnings by keeping their annual earning rates low.

But as Invest & Hodl, we are offering our investors their real gains by distributing our earnings equally.

Why should I stake iHODL?

Invest & Hodl offers the most reliable and profitable gain in the industry with an annual rate of 120% APR. Moreover, if you stake, we do not charge any commission from you. You can withdraw your staked balance at any time.

Invest Hodl

What is iHODL?

iHODL is the investment industry’s strongest cryptocurrency, created by Invest & Hodl.

l&H, which will share 10 percent of the supply with own investors at the initial sale price of $1 and collect demand, ensures that the main fund of own investors are safe, while saving their assets and even preserving their purchasing power due to the ridiculous political decisions they are affected by.

You can take a look that How to Buy iHODL Guide from here:

iHODL Contract Details: https://etherscan.io/token/0xDA148bB0AFe2C4032E99bd065D823b4F457Da6A7

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